Evaluation - Shrek are we there Yet
For this task we have been put into pairs and then have to decide what scene we are going to do. ,My group choose a scene from film Shrek and it is a scene call "Are we there yet?"
The first step was to download a movie/clip from YouTube, then we have to watch it and choose the part we want to do and what going to record mean (ADR) Automated dialogue replacement or voice over.
We have to find a script on the Internet for that particular scene and then we have record the dialogue on to voice recorders.
Before recording dialogue we have to find a place to record where there not is no any echo like (roomy) etc.
The Type of microphone used is a diagetic microphone. After the recording, we drag all the files into folders, then we have edited on Reaper64.
I split the sound tracks into parts and we choose the best quality recording. Then we have to compress the sound track in Reaper and plus normalise

To compress the soundtrack what I have to add the FX plugin which is call Cockos and select the option call VST: ReaComp (Cockos) this picture show before we compress the sound track
ADR - Automated dialogue replacement
This picture is showing the settings I have choosen. Compressing the sound track means it makes sound much move even in volume.

We used normalising in our work to get the maximum volume when our recording was a little bit quite, and we also used this method to balance our recordings volume.
After successful rendering our group work we then transformed it into Garageband to be able to synchronize the sound with the visuals from Shrek are we there yet ADR.
Through listening to our work on "Garageband" we noticed that some elements we're distorted so we have to rerecord again and we have to check if everything is fine with dialogue and voices and after rerecording we have to do everything step by step.
The outcome of my finished scene, I was very happy that I finished my shrek scene because the recording synchronize with the animation plus was very funny. The tips to improve is to spend more time on recording and check three times before we start edit if the voices are fine or not, also what should be improved is the way we repeat the dialogue what I mean by that is to try to record in different tempo, faster or slower and also try to change the tone and mood of voices.
In my conclusion for this task was very good experience to try to do voice over (ADR of a cartoon and any different type of film or animation. Also the positive points about the scene was everything was SYNC and well planed and negative side was it to spend more time on recording voice over and try to edit in different way what I mean is to change the voice pitch to different levels, in my shrek scene I done that but I will done it in better very if I spend more time on editing