Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Morvelisa's Critical Approaches - The Lift - Marc Isaac's

The Lift

This short film documentary which is call "The Lift" was released in 2001 by the British director and cinematographer Marc Isaacs, the film was made in UK in typical english tower in East London but the date of released was in March 2003 in USA.
Marc Isaacs has made more than 10 creative documentaries for the BBC and Channel 4 since 2001, and his documentary that he made which was "The Lift". The Royal Television Society and his work has won Grierson, RTS, and BAFTA awards, as well as an abundance of international film festival prizes. The film exuded poetic value and painted a simple, profound portrait of the human condition. 
In 2006 he had a retrospective at the prestigious Lussas Documentary film festival in France and his work has been included in numerous documentary books and academic studies, and because of his work and filming the documentaries people learn about him and how he is very creative.  

The Purpose was less clear due to absence of voice over and plus his documentary was structure, he use of Cutaway,shots for example Fly (alive/ dead),the lift shaft. Mostly he used establishing shots(high rised flat),how the camera work it look very naturalistic from Marc point of view, also what he included that he show the close-ups odd face expression of people who use the lift

The quotes of his documentaries which he says about his own work is "They are predetermined to a large extent because they are conceived along with the idea and integrated during the shooting, but aesthetic decisions are also fully realised during the editing. Every film needs to have a strong aesthetic element. It is the film’s visual world which carries just as much meaning as the stories told verbally" He want to show his documentaries clear as possible to understand. Marc Isaac's documentaries give a clear view that his films are targeted mostly at adults at age 18+ and above because the questions that he ask in documentary give a clear clue that the film is targeted at adults.

The another of his documentaries which is Outside the Court and this short documentry was was made in 2011 and what in this short documentary he want to tell as is that he spend 3 months talking to the people who were coming in and out. Whilst waiting for their cases to be heard they reveal their lives, what was interesting that he ask 2 or 3 times about if they think that they are clear out of any criminal or offences, and he ask them how was inside, and of the people was saying that everything is secured and there is nothing that they going to miss because they got fences and I am think that this short documentary was aim at adults again becasue it show how the life is difficult if you done something bad and you can't move the time backwards and this court can caring on for months or years.

 - How do you feel the issue (s) it addresses may have impacted on the above?

1 comment:

  1. Evidence here of research findings relating to The LIft that can be used to support your final conclusions regarding the characteristics of the audience and the way they have been targeted.
