She was a prefect in High school and also councillor to young kids where they could speak to her about thier problems in schools and issue such as bullying and friendship based problems
She recently took part in Christal interview vox-pop and and found out some of her bullying experiences with bullying and how she cooped with.
Yogi - Is the student in Coulsdon College and he is studding Creative Media Production on level 3.
Christal -
David Allan - Senior tutor
David is a teacher at Coulsdon college and he as a lot of experiences with bullying in class as well outside the class and he knows about a lot of stories of students who as been affected and also those who inflict the bullying.
Barrington - Teacher/tutor
Barrington is a media teacher in coulsdon college. As he stated " I hate bullying" he as very strong point of view about bullying in schools not only about students to students but also a lot about corporate bullying to do with employer and employees in school. During his class he always emphasises on his view of bullying and that it will not be tolerated in his class and he is now currently trying to get a few of his students to stop targeting on of the Coulsdon college employees.
Wendy - Student councillor
Wendy is the student councillor for coulsdon college she deals she deals with any problems that students may have. She has students that have problems that have been bullied from friends, plus what she was saying that students experiences bullying in college start from secondary school with friends where was verbally and physical and also within relationship boyfriends have bullied girlfriends into sexual exploitation
Intro to our documentary.
1.)We were wondering if you would be ok to be i a 10 mins documentary about bullying?
2.) we will ask you about 3-5 questions about the rules and regulations that the college has towards bullying?
3.) have you recently been involved in any major invents or anything that as to do with bullying?
if she say yes
1.) it is ok for us to film in your office?
2.) when will you be available for this interview after we get back from easter holiday?
do you have any stories that you could share with us? about bullying?
no names
Questions - to Wendy
1.) What is physical bullying
2.) What are you responsible for in Coulsdon College?
3.) Did you experience as students councillor any bullying in Coulsdon college?
4.) Can you tell the any story that happened in this college related to bullying
5.) What happening to students that have been bullied someone in college and what steps are taking in consideration at the first place?
Questions - to Barrington
1.) What is your role in this college?
2.) What you personal opinion about bullying?
3.) What type of bullying have you witness in your classes?
4.) As a teacher, where you should report bullying to in college?
5.) If for example if your boss or employers bullies you where should you report to?
Questions to David Allan
1.) What is your role in this college?
2.) Have you seen any verbal bulling in college?
3.) If you see bullying in college who do you report to first?
4.) Have you ever seen in your college life any bullying between your friends in college
5.)What would you do to resolve bullying?
5.)What would you do to resolve bullying?
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